Friday, July 10, 2009

Douglas Harding's experiments on videos

On :
This method of self-enquiry, sometimes called 'headlessness' or 'seeing who you really are' ('seeing' for short), has been pioneered by the English philosopher and workshop leader Douglas E. Harding, born in 1909. It is a contemporary approach which investigates the question Who am I? and suggests that you can see Who you really are here and now. It provides simple but deep awareness exercises that direct you to this Seeing within yourself. See

layers of appearance


washing the dishes

eating without a mouth

the many and the one

time and the timeless

the heart of the universe


movement and stillness

pointing at your no-face

Also :

who are you really ?

first person pool player

a conversation

the world flows through you (by Richard Lang)

the pointing experiment

still point

and others... on

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